
Allagash Dubbel

Tonight I just tasted the Allagash Dubbel. It came in a 12 ounce short fat screw top bottle a-la Sierra Nevada. I used my Duvel glass since it is Belgian style, but it turns out a normal glass would have done fine. There was not much carbonation in it, but at least it was bottle conditioned.

This is a smooth 7%ABV beer that is quite dark red/brown/amber in color. The smell was slightly spicy Belgian, with some caramel notes, and something maybe sour? But there was no sour taste. I wonder if this one is aged on wood. The taste was somehow malty and dry at the same time, with a very dry finish, which was nice. The hops are low to moderate, not quite enough to balance the malt, but pretty good. There is a very slight Belgian spice taste to go along with that subtle aspect of the aroma.

Overall, this beer is solid, but it is a bit dark and malty for my tastes.

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